
Ministries, Committees & Services:

Lectors, Please use this link to prepare when scheduled to read. Click on the calendar on the right side. There is an audio guide for each reading to help with pronunciation.

For more information or to participate in any of the Ministries or committees listed below, please contact the church office. Ideas for other Ministries are welcome. Please help serve your parish by participating in any of the above ministries.


Extra Ordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC)
Usher - Greeter
Cantor - Announcer
Cross Bearer
Play musical instrument
Sing or direct choir

Ministries To The Community

Take Communion to nursing homes
Alcoholics Anonymous

Parish Committees

Religious Education

Teach PK-12
Adult faith formation classes
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

Groups to Get Involved With

Knights of Columbus
Ladies Auxiliary
Parish Council of Catholic Women (PCCW)
St. Anne's Women's Group
Stitch-by-Stitch Quilting
Vocation Committee
Leading the Rosary
Youth Group

Extra Ordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC)
Eucharistic Ministers assist in the distribution of communion at all masses. They serve X times per month, as well as for special feasts during the liturgical year. Training is provided and schedules are communicated weeks ahead of time.

A lector brings God's Word to life in the midst of the assembly. A lector should love, pray and study the scriptures. Beyond having a strong, clear voice, the ability to speak with ease and conviction and good interpretive skills, a lector must make deliberate and careful preparation of the scriptures. Training and materials are provided. Lectors are scheduled approximately every other month.

The altar server assists the presider and enables the liturgy to proceed smoothly. Young people, grades 4 and up, as well as adults, may volunteer. Servers are responsible for keeping their commitment when scheduled. Training sessions are announced periodically in the bulletin.

Couples, singles, or families arrive for Mass 1/2 hour early to prepare the elements for worship and set up for any special sacramental or ritual events during the liturgy (e.g. baptisms, Sprinkling Rites, etc). Training is provided.

Children's Liturgy of the Word
Children's Liturgy of the Word is celebrated at the 9:30 AM liturgy on Sunday morning with children 6 years and older. Adult presiders are needed to lead the children in prayer and scripture, using materials adapted to their age level. Excellent materials as well as training support are provided.

Ushers and greeters promote a welcoming environment for all who come to the liturgy. They greet people arriving for Mass, distribute worship programs and weekly bulletins, execute collections, handle special needs or emergencies, conduct an orderly procession of bread, wine and collections, and assist the priest in providing an atmosphere conducive for the celebration.